The Related Categories column lists one or more categories that are suggested to be used in conjunction with the Additional Category. If the Related Categories column is blank, the Additional Category can be used with any Main Category.
The table below describes Additional Categories.
Additional Category | Description | Related Categories |
Building | A tool to build applications | Development |
Debugger | A tool to debug applications | Development |
IDE | IDE application | Development |
GUIDesigner | A GUI designer application | Development |
Profiling | A profiling tool | Development |
RevisionControl | Applications like cvs or subversion | Development |
Translation | A translation tool | Development |
Calendar | Calendar application | Office |
ContactManagement | E.g. an address book | Office |
Database | Application to manage a database | Office or Development or AudioVideo |
Dictionary | A dictionary | Office or TextTools |
Chart | Chart application | Office |
Email application | Office or Network | |
Finance | Application to manage your finance | Office |
FlowChart | A flowchart application | Office |
PDA | Tool to manage your PDA | Office |
ProjectManagement | Project management application | Office or Development |
Presentation | Presentation software | Office |
Spreadsheet | A spreadsheet | Office |
WordProcessor | A word processor | Office |
2DGraphics | 2D based graphical application | Graphics |
VectorGraphics | Application for viewing, creating, or processing vector graphics | Graphics;2DGraphics |
RasterGraphics | Application for viewing, creating, or processing raster (bitmap) graphics | Graphics;2DGraphics |
3DGraphics | Application for viewing, creating, or processing 3-D graphics | Graphics |
Scanning | Tool to scan a file/text | Graphics |
OCR | Optical character recognition application | Graphics;Scanning |
Photography | Camera tools, etc. | Graphics or Office |
Publishing | Desktop Publishing applications and Color Management tools | Graphics or Office |
Viewer | Tool to view e.g. a graphic or pdf file | Graphics or Office |
TextTools | A text tool utility | Utility |
DesktopSettings | Configuration tool for the GUI | Settings |
HardwareSettings | A tool to manage hardware components, like sound cards, video cards or printers | Settings |
Printing | A tool to manage printers | HardwareSettings;Settings |
PackageManager | A package manager application | Settings |
Dialup | A dial-up program | Network |
InstantMessaging | An instant messaging client | Network |
Chat | A chat client | Network |
IRCClient | An IRC client | Network |
Feed | RSS, podcast and other subscription based contents | Network |
FileTransfer | Tools like FTP or P2P programs | Network |
HamRadio | HAM radio software | Network or Audio |
News | A news reader or a news ticker | Network |
P2P | A P2P program | Network |
RemoteAccess | A tool to remotely manage your PC | Network |
Telephony | Telephony via PC | Network |
TelephonyTools | Telephony tools, to dial a number, manage PBX, ... | Utility |
VideoConference | Video Conference software | Network |
WebBrowser | A web browser | Network |
WebDevelopment | A tool for web developers | Network or Development |
Midi | An app related to MIDI | AudioVideo;Audio |
Mixer | Just a mixer | AudioVideo;Audio |
Sequencer | A sequencer | AudioVideo;Audio |
Tuner | A tuner | AudioVideo;Audio |
TV | A TV application | AudioVideo;Video |
AudioVideoEditing | Application to edit audio/video files | Audio or Video or AudioVideo |
Player | Application to play audio/video files | Audio or Video or AudioVideo |
Recorder | Application to record audio/video files | Audio or Video or AudioVideo |
DiscBurning | Application to burn a disc | AudioVideo |
ActionGame | An action game | Game |
AdventureGame | Adventure style game | Game |
ArcadeGame | Arcade style game | Game |
BoardGame | A board game | Game |
BlocksGame | Falling blocks game | Game |
CardGame | A card game | Game |
KidsGame | A game for kids | Game |
LogicGame | Logic games like puzzles, etc | Game |
RolePlaying | A role playing game | Game |
Shooter | A shooter game | Game |
Simulation | A simulation game | Game |
SportsGame | A sports game | Game |
StrategyGame | A strategy game | Game |
Art | Software to teach arts | Education or Science |
Construction | Education or Science | |
Music | Musical software | AudioVideo or Education |
Languages | Software to learn foreign languages | Education or Science |
ArtificialIntelligence | Artificial Intelligence software | Education or Science |
Astronomy | Astronomy software | Education or Science |
Biology | Biology software | Education or Science |
Chemistry | Chemistry software | Education or Science |
ComputerScience | Computer Science software | Education or Science |
DataVisualization | Data visualization software | Education or Science |
Economy | Economy software | Education or Science |
Electricity | Electricity software | Education or Science |
Geography | Geography software | Education or Science |
Geology | Geology software | Education or Science |
Geoscience | Geoscience software, GIS | Education or Science |
History | History software | Education or Science |
Humanities | Software for philosophy, psychology and other humanities | Education or Science |
ImageProcessing | Image Processing software | Education or Science |
Literature | Literature software | Education or Science |
Maps | Software for viewing maps, navigation, mapping, GPS | Education or Science or Utility |
Math | Math software | Education or Science |
NumericalAnalysis | Numerical analysis software | Education;Math or Science;Math |
MedicalSoftware | Medical software | Education or Science |
Physics | Physics software | Education or Science |
Robotics | Robotics software | Education or Science |
Spirituality | Religious and spiritual software, theology | Education or Science or Utility |
Sports | Sports software | Education or Science |
ParallelComputing | Parallel computing software | Education;ComputerScience or Science;ComputerScience |
Amusement | A simple amusement | |
Archiving | A tool to archive/backup data | Utility |
Compression | A tool to manage compressed data/archives | Utility;Archiving |
Electronics | Electronics software, e.g. a circuit designer | |
Emulator | Emulator of another platform, such as a DOS emulator | System or Game |
Engineering | Engineering software, e.g. CAD programs | |
FileTools | A file tool utility | Utility or System |
FileManager | A file manager | System;FileTools |
TerminalEmulator | A terminal emulator application | System |
Filesystem | A file system tool | System |
Monitor | Monitor application/applet that monitors some resource or activity | System or Network |
Security | A security tool | Settings or System |
Accessibility | Accessibility | Settings or Utility |
Calculator | A calculator | Utility |
Clock | A clock application/applet | Utility |
TextEditor | A text editor | Utility |
Documentation | Help or documentation | |
Adult | Application handles adult or explicit material | |
Core | Important application, core to the desktop such as a file manager or a help browser | |
KDE | Application based on KDE libraries | QT |
COSMIC | Application based on COSMIC libraries | |
GNOME | Application based on GNOME libraries | GTK |
LXQt | Application based on LXQt libraries | QT |
XFCE | Application based on XFCE libraries | GTK |
DDE | Application based on DDE libraries | Qt |
GTK | Application based on GTK+ libraries | |
Qt | Application based on Qt libraries | |
Motif | Application based on Motif libraries | |
Java | Application based on Java GUI libraries, such as AWT or Swing | |
ConsoleOnly | Application that only works inside a terminal (text-based or command line application) |