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A.2 Additional Categories

The Related Categories column lists one or more categories that are suggested to be used in conjunction with the Additional Category. If the Related Categories column is blank, the Additional Category can be used with any Main Category.

The table below describes Additional Categories.

Additional CategoryDescriptionRelated Categories
BuildingA tool to build applicationsDevelopment
DebuggerA tool to debug applicationsDevelopment
IDEIDE applicationDevelopment
GUIDesignerA GUI designer applicationDevelopment
ProfilingA profiling toolDevelopment
RevisionControlApplications like cvs or subversionDevelopment
TranslationA translation toolDevelopment
CalendarCalendar applicationOffice
ContactManagementE.g. an address bookOffice
DatabaseApplication to manage a databaseOffice or Development or AudioVideo
DictionaryA dictionaryOffice or TextTools
ChartChart applicationOffice
EmailEmail applicationOffice or Network
FinanceApplication to manage your financeOffice
FlowChartA flowchart applicationOffice
PDATool to manage your PDAOffice
ProjectManagementProject management applicationOffice or Development
PresentationPresentation softwareOffice
SpreadsheetA spreadsheetOffice
WordProcessorA word processorOffice
2DGraphics2D based graphical applicationGraphics
VectorGraphicsApplication for viewing, creating, or processing vector graphicsGraphics;2DGraphics
RasterGraphicsApplication for viewing, creating, or processing raster (bitmap) graphicsGraphics;2DGraphics
3DGraphicsApplication for viewing, creating, or processing 3-D graphicsGraphics
ScanningTool to scan a file/textGraphics
OCROptical character recognition applicationGraphics;Scanning
PhotographyCamera tools, etc.Graphics or Office
PublishingDesktop Publishing applications and Color Management toolsGraphics or Office
ViewerTool to view e.g. a graphic or pdf fileGraphics or Office
TextToolsA text tool utilityUtility
DesktopSettingsConfiguration tool for the GUISettings
HardwareSettingsA tool to manage hardware components, like sound cards, video cards or printersSettings
PrintingA tool to manage printersHardwareSettings;Settings
PackageManagerA package manager applicationSettings
DialupA dial-up programNetwork
InstantMessagingAn instant messaging clientNetwork
ChatA chat clientNetwork
IRCClientAn IRC clientNetwork
FeedRSS, podcast and other subscription based contentsNetwork
FileTransferTools like FTP or P2P programsNetwork
HamRadioHAM radio softwareNetwork or Audio
NewsA news reader or a news tickerNetwork
P2PA P2P programNetwork
RemoteAccessA tool to remotely manage your PCNetwork
TelephonyTelephony via PCNetwork
TelephonyToolsTelephony tools, to dial a number, manage PBX, ...Utility
VideoConferenceVideo Conference softwareNetwork
WebBrowserA web browserNetwork
WebDevelopmentA tool for web developersNetwork or Development
MidiAn app related to MIDIAudioVideo;Audio
MixerJust a mixerAudioVideo;Audio
SequencerA sequencerAudioVideo;Audio
TunerA tunerAudioVideo;Audio
TVA TV applicationAudioVideo;Video
AudioVideoEditingApplication to edit audio/video filesAudio or Video or AudioVideo
PlayerApplication to play audio/video filesAudio or Video or AudioVideo
RecorderApplication to record audio/video filesAudio or Video or AudioVideo
DiscBurningApplication to burn a discAudioVideo
ActionGameAn action gameGame
AdventureGameAdventure style gameGame
ArcadeGameArcade style gameGame
BoardGameA board gameGame
BlocksGameFalling blocks gameGame
CardGameA card gameGame
KidsGameA game for kidsGame
LogicGameLogic games like puzzles, etcGame
RolePlayingA role playing gameGame
ShooterA shooter gameGame
SimulationA simulation gameGame
SportsGameA sports gameGame
StrategyGameA strategy gameGame
ArtSoftware to teach artsEducation or Science
Construction Education or Science
MusicMusical softwareAudioVideo or Education
LanguagesSoftware to learn foreign languagesEducation or Science
ArtificialIntelligenceArtificial Intelligence softwareEducation or Science
AstronomyAstronomy softwareEducation or Science
BiologyBiology softwareEducation or Science
ChemistryChemistry softwareEducation or Science
ComputerScienceComputer Science softwareEducation or Science
DataVisualizationData visualization softwareEducation or Science
EconomyEconomy softwareEducation or Science
ElectricityElectricity softwareEducation or Science
GeographyGeography softwareEducation or Science
GeologyGeology softwareEducation or Science
GeoscienceGeoscience software, GISEducation or Science
HistoryHistory softwareEducation or Science
HumanitiesSoftware for philosophy, psychology and other humanitiesEducation or Science
ImageProcessingImage Processing softwareEducation or Science
LiteratureLiterature softwareEducation or Science
MapsSoftware for viewing maps, navigation, mapping, GPSEducation or Science or Utility
MathMath softwareEducation or Science
NumericalAnalysisNumerical analysis softwareEducation;Math or Science;Math
MedicalSoftwareMedical softwareEducation or Science
PhysicsPhysics softwareEducation or Science
RoboticsRobotics softwareEducation or Science
SpiritualityReligious and spiritual software, theologyEducation or Science or Utility
SportsSports softwareEducation or Science
ParallelComputingParallel computing softwareEducation;ComputerScience or Science;ComputerScience
AmusementA simple amusement 
ArchivingA tool to archive/backup dataUtility
CompressionA tool to manage compressed data/archivesUtility;Archiving
ElectronicsElectronics software, e.g. a circuit designer 
EmulatorEmulator of another platform, such as a DOS emulatorSystem or Game
EngineeringEngineering software, e.g. CAD programs 
FileToolsA file tool utilityUtility or System
FileManagerA file managerSystem;FileTools
TerminalEmulatorA terminal emulator applicationSystem
FilesystemA file system toolSystem
MonitorMonitor application/applet that monitors some resource or activitySystem or Network
SecurityA security toolSettings or System
AccessibilityAccessibilitySettings or Utility
CalculatorA calculatorUtility
ClockA clock application/appletUtility
TextEditorA text editorUtility
DocumentationHelp or documentation 
AdultApplication handles adult or explicit material 
CoreImportant application, core to the desktop such as a file manager or a help browser 
KDEApplication based on KDE librariesQT
COSMICApplication based on COSMIC libraries 
GNOMEApplication based on GNOME librariesGTK
LXQtApplication based on LXQt librariesQT
XFCEApplication based on XFCE librariesGTK
DDEApplication based on DDE librariesQt
GTKApplication based on GTK+ libraries 
QtApplication based on Qt libraries 
MotifApplication based on Motif libraries 
JavaApplication based on Java GUI libraries, such as AWT or Swing 
ConsoleOnlyApplication that only works inside a terminal (text-based or command line application)