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Desktop Menu Specification

Waldo Bastian
Francois Gouget
Alex Graveley
George Lebl
Havoc Pennington
Heinrich Wendel

Publication Date: 20 August 2016, Version: Version 1.1

1 Introduction

This document defines how to construct a user-visible hierarchy of applications, typically displayed as a menu. It allows third-party software to add menu items that work for all desktops, and allows system administrators to edit menus in a way that affects all desktops.

The basic scheme is very simple. Information about each application (menu item) is stored in a desktop entry (see Desktop Entry Standard (http://www.freedesktop.org/Standards/desktop-entry-spec)). Then an XML configuration file defines the hierarchical arrangement (layout) of menu items, and which menu items are actually displayed.

Things are complicated somewhat by the need to support legacy desktop entry hierarchies, and the need to allow third parties to extend the menu layout. Both of these issues are addressed by the idea of merging two menu layouts.

In addition to a strict definition of the contents of each menu this specification also foresees in a number of layout / presentation hints. This part of the specification is optional, implementations may chose to ignore these hints.

2 File locations

Files involved in this specification are located according to the "desktop base directory specification" (http://www.freedesktop.org/Standards/basedir-spec).

Here are the files defined by this specification:


This file contains the XML definition of the main application menu layout. The first file found in the search path should be used; other files are ignored. This implies that if the user has their own ${XDG_MENU_PREFIX}applications.menu, it replaces the system wide one. (Though the user's menu may explicitly merge the system wide one.)

Systems that offer multiple desktop environments and that want to use distinct menu layouts in the different environments can use differently prefixed .menu files. In this case the $XDG_MENU_PREFIX environment variable must be set by the system to reflect the .menu file that is being used.

For example if a system contains both the GNOME and the KDE desktop environments it can decide to use gnome-applications.menu as the menu layout in GNOME sessions and kde-applications.menu as the menu layout in KDE sessions. To correctly reflect this, it should set the $XDG_MENU_PREFIX environment variable to "gnome-" respectively "kde-".

Implementations may chose to use .menu files with other names for tasks or menus other than the main application menu. Such usage is not covered by this specification.


The default merge directories included in the <DefaultMergeDirs> element. By convention, third parties may add new <Menu> files in this location to create their own sub-menus.

Note that a system that uses either gnome-applications.menu or kde-applications.menu depending on the desktop environment in use must still use applications-merged as the default merge directory in both cases.

Implementations may chose to use .menu files with names other than application.menu for tasks or menus other than the main application menu. In that case the first part of the name of the default merge directory is derived from the name of the .menu file.

For example in a system that uses a preferences.menu file to describe an additional menu, the default merge directories included in the <DefaultMergeDirs> element in the preferences.menu file would become $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/menus/preferences-merged/


This directory contains a .desktop file for each possible menu item. Each directory in the $XDG_DATA_DIRS search path should be used (i.e. desktop entries are collected from all of them, not just the first one that exists). When two desktop entries have the same name, the one appearing earlier in the path is used.

The <DefaultAppDirs> element in a menu file indicates that this default list of desktop entry locations should be scanned at that point. If a menu file does not contain <DefaultAppDirs>, then these locations are not scanned.


This directory contains directory entries which may be associated with folders in the menu layout. Each directory in the search path should be used. Only files ending in .directory are used; other files are ignored.

The <DefaultDirectoryDirs> element in a menu file indicates that this default list of directory entry locations should be scanned at that point. If a menu file does not contain <DefaultDirectoryDirs>, then these locations are not scanned.

3 Extensions to the desktop entry format

This specification adds three new fields to desktop entries (http://www.freedesktop.org/Standards/desktop-entry-spec): Categories, OnlyShowIn and NotShowIn.

The Categories field is a list of strings used to classify menu items. For example, applications in the AudioVideo category might end up in the "Sound & Video" submenu. Appendix A, Registered Categories enumerates the standard categories. Categories not in this document must be prefixed by the string "X-" indicating that they are extensions. Categories are case-sensitive.

Desktop entries should list all categories that clearly apply. They should not list categories that only vaguely or possibly apply, because the user will end up seeing the same desktop entry in a half-dozen places. But it's typical that several categories will apply to a given desktop entry.

The OnlyShowIn field is a list of strings identifying the environments that should display a given menu item. If an OnlyShowIn field is present, a given environment should only display the menu item if the string identifying that environment is present. The strings are case-sensitive. Appendix B, Registered OnlyShowIn Environments enumerates the strings to use for some common environments.

The NotShowIn field is a list of strings identifying the environments that should not display a given menu item. If an NotShowIn field is present, a given environment should only display the menu item if the string identifying that environment is not present. The strings are case-sensitive. Appendix B, Registered OnlyShowIn Environments enumerates the strings to use for some common environments.

Environments not in this document must be prefixed by the string "X-" indicating that they are extensions. Environments are case-sensitive.

3.1 Examples of using Categories and OnlyShowIn

A desktop entry for a Qt-based image viewer might contain this Categories line:


A desktop entry for Octave, a command-line mathematics program (which would also have the field Terminal=true), might have:


A desktop entry for a GNOME-specific calculator program that should only appear in GNOME might have:


Note that the OnlyShowIn field is a list and thus ends in a semicolon.

5 Merging

Sometimes two menu layouts need to be merged. This is done when folding in legacy menu hierarchies (see Section 7, “Legacy Menu Hierarchies”) and also for files specified in <MergeFile> elements. A common case is that per-user menu files might merge the system menu file. Merging is also used to avoid cut-and-paste, for example to include a common submenu in multiple menu files.

Merging involves a base <Menu> and a merged <Menu>. The base is the "target" menu and the merged <Menu> is being added to it. The result of the merge is termed the "combined menu."

As a preparatory step, the goal is to resolve all files into XML elements. To do so, traverse the entire menu tree. For each <MergeFile>, <MergeDir>, or <LegacyDir> element, replace the <MergeFile>, <MergeDir>, or <LegacyDir> element with the child elements of the root <Menu> of the file(s) being merged. As a special exception, remove the <Name> element from the root element of each file being merged. To generate a <Menu> based on a <LegacyDir>, see Section 7, “Legacy Menu Hierarchies”.

Continue processing until no <MergeFile>, <MergeDir>, or <LegacyDir> elements remain, taking care to avoid infinite loops caused by files that reference one another.

Once all files have been loaded into a single tree, scan the tree recursively performing these steps to remove duplicates:

  1. Consolidate child menus. Each group of child <Menu>s with the same name must be consolidated into a single child menu with that name. Concatenate the child elements of all menus with the same name, in the order that they appear, and insert those elements as the children of the last menu with that name. Delete all the newly empty <Menu> elements, keeping the last one.

  2. Expand <DefaultAppDirs> and <DefaultDirectoryDirs> elements to <AppDir> and <DirectoryDir> elements. Consolidate duplicate <AppDir>, <DirectoryDir>, and <Directory> elements by keeping the last one. For <Directory> elements that refer to distinct directory entries, all of them should be kept - if the last one points to a nonexistent file, the one before that can be used instead, and so forth.

  3. Recurse into each child <Menu>, performing this list of steps for each child in order.

After recursing once to remove duplicates, recurse a second time to resolve <Move> elements for each menu starting with any child menu before handling the more top level menus. So the deepest menus have their <Move> operations performed first. Within each <Menu>, execute <Move> operations in the order that they appear. If the destination path does not exist, simply relocate the origin <Menu> element, and change its <Name> field to match the destination path. If the origin path does not exist, do nothing. If both paths exist, take the origin <Menu> element, delete its <Name> element, and prepend its remaining child elements to the destination <Menu> element.

If any <Move> operations affect a menu, then re-run the steps to resolve duplicates in case any duplicates have been created.

Finally, for each <Menu> containing a <Deleted> element which is not followed by a <NotDeleted> element, remove that menu and all its child menus.

Merged menu elements are kept in order because <Include> and <Exclude> elements later in the file override <Include> and <Exclude> elements earlier in the file. This means that if the user's menu file merges the system menu file, the user can always override what the system menu specifies by placing elements after the <MergeFile> that incorporates the system file.

To prevent that a desktop entry from one party inadvertently cancels out the desktop entry from another party because both happen to get the same desktop-file id it is recommended that providers of desktop-files ensure that all desktop-file ids start with a vendor prefix. A vendor prefix consists of [a-zA-Z] and is terminated with a dash ("-"). Open Source projects and commercial parties are encouraged to use a word or phrase, preferably their name, as prefix for which they hold a trademark. Open Source applications can also ask to make use of the vendor prefix of another open source project (such as GNOME or KDE) they consider themselves affiliated with, at the discretion of these projects.

For example, to ensure that GNOME applications start with a vendor prefix of "gnome-", it could either add "gnome-" to all the desktop files it installs in datadir/applications/ or it could install desktop files in a datadir/applications/gnome subdirectory. When including legacy menu hierarchies the prefix argument of the <LegacyDir> element can be used to specify a prefix.

6 Generating the menus

After merging the menus, the result should be a single menu layout description. For each <Menu>, we have a list of directories where desktop entries can be found, a list of directories where directory entries can be found, and a series of <Include> and <Exclude> directives.

For each <Menu> element, build a pool of desktop entries by collecting entries found in each <AppDir> for the menu element. If two entries have the same desktop-file id, the entry for the earlier (closer to the top of the file) <AppDir> must be discarded. Next, add to the pool the entries for any <AppDir>s specified by ancestor <Menu> elements. If a parent menu has a duplicate entry (same desktop-file id), the entry for the child menu has priority.

Next, walk through all <Include> and <Exclude> statements. For each <Include>, match the rules against the pool of all desktop entries. For each desktop entry that matches one of the rules, add it to the menu to be displayed and mark it as having been allocated. For each <Exclude>, match the rules against the currently-included desktop entries. For each desktop entry that matches, remove it again from the menu. Note that an entry that is included in a menu but excluded again by a later <Exclude> is still considered allocated (for the purposes of <OnlyUnallocated>) even though that entry no longer appears in the menu.

Two passes are necessary, once for regular menus where any entry may be matched, and once for <OnlyUnallocated> menus where only entries which have not been marked as allocated may be matched.

The result is a tree of desktop entries, of course.

7 Legacy Menu Hierarchies

Traditionally, menus were defined as a filesystem hierarchy, with each filesystem directory corresponding to a submenu. Implementations of this specification must be able to load these old-style hierarchies as specified in this section.

The general approach is: the legacy hierarchy is converted into a <Menu>, and then this menu layout is merged with the menu that specified <LegacyDir>.

Desktop entries in the legacy hierarchy should be added to the pool of desktop entries as if the <LegacyDir> were an <AppDir>. Directory entries in the legacy hierarchy should be added to the pool of directory entries as if the <LegacyDir> were a <DirectoryDir>. This can be trivially implemented by adding appropriate <AppDir> and <DirectoryDir> statements to the root legacy <Menu>. There is one slight complexity, namely the "prefix" attribute of <LegacyDir>.

The menu layout corresponds conceptually to the following, though actually generating the XML is not necessary:

  • For each directory in the legacy hierarchy, a <Menu> is created with the same <Name> as the directory on disk.

  • This menu then contains an <Include> element that includes each desktop entry in the directory. That is, it should have a <Filename>Foo/Bar/foo.desktop</Filename> for each desktop entry in the directory.

    As a special exception, if a desktop entry in a directory contains a Categories field, that desktop entry should not be included in the legacy menu. That is, no <Include> element should be generated for the entry. This allows a desktop entry to be installed in a legacy location but still work optimally with the menu system specified in this document.

  • If the legacy directory contains a ".directory" file, then a <Directory> element should be generated that points to said ".directory" file.

  • Legacy desktop entries should not be assigned any Categories fields if they didn't have them already, except that all legacy entries should have the "Legacy" category added to allow menu files to treat them specially. (If the same directory is given as both a <LegacyDir> and an <AppDir>, its desktop entries should be labeled "Legacy" only if the <LegacyDir> appears later in the file than the <AppDir>.)

For example, say we have the following legacy directory hierarchy:


Conceptually that is converted to the following <Menu>:

          <!DOCTYPE Menu PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD Menu 1.0//EN"


This <Menu> is then merged as if it were in a file and loaded with <MergeFile>.

8 Example Menu File

          <!DOCTYPE Menu PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD Menu 1.0//EN"

            <-- Search the default locations -->
            <-- Merge third-party submenus -->

            <-- Merge legacy hierarchy -->

            <-- Define default layout -->
              <Merge type="menus"/>
              <Merge type="files"/>

            <-- some random moves, maybe to clean up legacy dirs, 
                   maybe from menu editing -->

            <-- A preferences submenu, kept in a separate file 
                   so it can also be used standalone -->

            <-- An Office submenu, specified inline -->

A Registered Categories

This section contains a number of well known categories and suggestions on how to use them:

Note that category names are case-sensitive.

A.1 Main Categories

By including one of the Main Categories in an application's desktop entry file, the application will be ensured that it will show up in a section of the application menu dedicated to this category. If multiple Main Categories are included in a single desktop entry file, the entry may appear more than once in the menu.

Category-based menus based on the Main Categories listed in this specification do not provide a complete ontology for all available applications. Category-based menu implementations SHOULD therefore provide a "catch-all" submenu for applications that cannot be appropriately placed elsewhere.

The table below lists all Main Categories.

Main CategoryDescriptionNotes
AudioVideoApplication for presenting, creating, or processing multimedia (audio/video) 
AudioAn audio applicationDesktop entry must include AudioVideo as well
VideoA video applicationDesktop entry must include AudioVideo as well
DevelopmentAn application for development 
EducationEducational software 
GameA game 
GraphicsApplication for viewing, creating, or processing graphics 
NetworkNetwork application such as a web browser 
OfficeAn office type application 
ScienceScientific software 
SettingsSettings applicationsEntries may appear in a separate menu or as part of a "Control Center"
SystemSystem application, "System Tools" such as say a log viewer or network monitor 
UtilitySmall utility application, "Accessories" 

A.2 Additional Categories

The Related Categories column lists one or more categories that are suggested to be used in conjunction with the Additional Category. If the Related Categories column is blank, the Additional Category can be used with any Main Category.

The table below describes Additional Categories.

Additional CategoryDescriptionRelated Categories
BuildingA tool to build applicationsDevelopment
DebuggerA tool to debug applicationsDevelopment
IDEIDE applicationDevelopment
GUIDesignerA GUI designer applicationDevelopment
ProfilingA profiling toolDevelopment
RevisionControlApplications like cvs or subversionDevelopment
TranslationA translation toolDevelopment
CalendarCalendar applicationOffice
ContactManagementE.g. an address bookOffice
DatabaseApplication to manage a databaseOffice or Development or AudioVideo
DictionaryA dictionaryOffice or TextTools
ChartChart applicationOffice
EmailEmail applicationOffice or Network
FinanceApplication to manage your financeOffice
FlowChartA flowchart applicationOffice
PDATool to manage your PDAOffice
ProjectManagementProject management applicationOffice or Development
PresentationPresentation softwareOffice
SpreadsheetA spreadsheetOffice
WordProcessorA word processorOffice
2DGraphics2D based graphical applicationGraphics
VectorGraphicsApplication for viewing, creating, or processing vector graphicsGraphics;2DGraphics
RasterGraphicsApplication for viewing, creating, or processing raster (bitmap) graphicsGraphics;2DGraphics
3DGraphicsApplication for viewing, creating, or processing 3-D graphicsGraphics
ScanningTool to scan a file/textGraphics
OCROptical character recognition applicationGraphics;Scanning
PhotographyCamera tools, etc.Graphics or Office
PublishingDesktop Publishing applications and Color Management toolsGraphics or Office
ViewerTool to view e.g. a graphic or pdf fileGraphics or Office
TextToolsA text tool utilityUtility
DesktopSettingsConfiguration tool for the GUISettings
HardwareSettingsA tool to manage hardware components, like sound cards, video cards or printersSettings
PrintingA tool to manage printersHardwareSettings;Settings
PackageManagerA package manager applicationSettings
DialupA dial-up programNetwork
InstantMessagingAn instant messaging clientNetwork
ChatA chat clientNetwork
IRCClientAn IRC clientNetwork
FeedRSS, podcast and other subscription based contentsNetwork
FileTransferTools like FTP or P2P programsNetwork
HamRadioHAM radio softwareNetwork or Audio
NewsA news reader or a news tickerNetwork
P2PA P2P programNetwork
RemoteAccessA tool to remotely manage your PCNetwork
TelephonyTelephony via PCNetwork
TelephonyToolsTelephony tools, to dial a number, manage PBX, ...Utility
VideoConferenceVideo Conference softwareNetwork
WebBrowserA web browserNetwork
WebDevelopmentA tool for web developersNetwork or Development
MidiAn app related to MIDIAudioVideo;Audio
MixerJust a mixerAudioVideo;Audio
SequencerA sequencerAudioVideo;Audio
TunerA tunerAudioVideo;Audio
TVA TV applicationAudioVideo;Video
AudioVideoEditingApplication to edit audio/video filesAudio or Video or AudioVideo
PlayerApplication to play audio/video filesAudio or Video or AudioVideo
RecorderApplication to record audio/video filesAudio or Video or AudioVideo
DiscBurningApplication to burn a discAudioVideo
ActionGameAn action gameGame
AdventureGameAdventure style gameGame
ArcadeGameArcade style gameGame
BoardGameA board gameGame
BlocksGameFalling blocks gameGame
CardGameA card gameGame
KidsGameA game for kidsGame
LogicGameLogic games like puzzles, etcGame
RolePlayingA role playing gameGame
ShooterA shooter gameGame
SimulationA simulation gameGame
SportsGameA sports gameGame
StrategyGameA strategy gameGame
ArtSoftware to teach artsEducation or Science
Construction Education or Science
MusicMusical softwareAudioVideo or Education
LanguagesSoftware to learn foreign languagesEducation or Science
ArtificialIntelligenceArtificial Intelligence softwareEducation or Science
AstronomyAstronomy softwareEducation or Science
BiologyBiology softwareEducation or Science
ChemistryChemistry softwareEducation or Science
ComputerScienceComputer Science softwareEducation or Science
DataVisualizationData visualization softwareEducation or Science
EconomyEconomy softwareEducation or Science
ElectricityElectricity softwareEducation or Science
GeographyGeography softwareEducation or Science
GeologyGeology softwareEducation or Science
GeoscienceGeoscience software, GISEducation or Science
HistoryHistory softwareEducation or Science
HumanitiesSoftware for philosophy, psychology and other humanitiesEducation or Science
ImageProcessingImage Processing softwareEducation or Science
LiteratureLiterature softwareEducation or Science
MapsSoftware for viewing maps, navigation, mapping, GPSEducation or Science or Utility
MathMath softwareEducation or Science
NumericalAnalysisNumerical analysis softwareEducation;Math or Science;Math
MedicalSoftwareMedical softwareEducation or Science
PhysicsPhysics softwareEducation or Science
RoboticsRobotics softwareEducation or Science
SpiritualityReligious and spiritual software, theologyEducation or Science or Utility
SportsSports softwareEducation or Science
ParallelComputingParallel computing softwareEducation;ComputerScience or Science;ComputerScience
AmusementA simple amusement 
ArchivingA tool to archive/backup dataUtility
CompressionA tool to manage compressed data/archivesUtility;Archiving
ElectronicsElectronics software, e.g. a circuit designer 
EmulatorEmulator of another platform, such as a DOS emulatorSystem or Game
EngineeringEngineering software, e.g. CAD programs 
FileToolsA file tool utilityUtility or System
FileManagerA file managerSystem;FileTools
TerminalEmulatorA terminal emulator applicationSystem
FilesystemA file system toolSystem
MonitorMonitor application/applet that monitors some resource or activitySystem or Network
SecurityA security toolSettings or System
AccessibilityAccessibilitySettings or Utility
CalculatorA calculatorUtility
ClockA clock application/appletUtility
TextEditorA text editorUtility
DocumentationHelp or documentation 
AdultApplication handles adult or explicit material 
CoreImportant application, core to the desktop such as a file manager or a help browser 
KDEApplication based on KDE librariesQT
COSMICApplication based on COSMIC libraries 
GNOMEApplication based on GNOME librariesGTK
LXQtApplication based on LXQt librariesQT
XFCEApplication based on XFCE librariesGTK
DDEApplication based on DDE librariesQt
GTKApplication based on GTK+ libraries 
QtApplication based on Qt libraries 
MotifApplication based on Motif libraries 
JavaApplication based on Java GUI libraries, such as AWT or Swing 
ConsoleOnlyApplication that only works inside a terminal (text-based or command line application) 

A.3 Reserved Categories

Reserved Categories have a desktop-specific meaning that has not been standardized (yet). Desktop entry files that use a reserved category MUST also include an appropriate OnlyShowIn= entry to restrict themselves to those environments that properly support the reserved category as used.

The table below describes Reserved Categories.

Reserved CategoryDescription
ScreensaverA screen saver (launching this desktop entry should activate the screen saver)
TrayIconAn application that is primarily an icon for the "system tray" or "notification area" (apps that open a normal window and just happen to have a tray icon as well should not list this category)
AppletAn applet that will run inside a panel or another such application, likely desktop specific
ShellA shell (an actual specific shell such as bash or tcsh, not a TerminalEmulator)

B Registered OnlyShowIn Environments

Remember, these are case-sensitive. "KDE" not "kde" should be used.

OnlyShowIn ValueEnvironment
GNOME-ClassicGNOME Classic Desktop
GNOME-FlashbackGNOME Flashback Desktop
KDEKDE Desktop
LXQtLXQt Desktop
RazorRazor-qt Desktop
ROXROX Desktop
TDETrinity Desktop
UnityUnity Shell
EDEEDE Desktop
CinnamonCinnamon Desktop
PantheonPantheon Desktop
DDEDeepin Desktop
EndlessEndless OS desktop
OldLegacy menu systems

C Integrating your application in the menus

C.1 Adding menu items

The following steps describe how a third party application can add menu items to the menu system:

  • Install desktop entries to datadir/applications/ for each menu item. Please namespace the filename, as in "vendor-foo.desktop", or use a subdirectory of datadir/applications/ so you have "vendor/foo.desktop." Please be sure all desktop entries are valid (see the desktop-file-utils (http://www.freedesktop.org/software/desktop-file-utils/) package for a validation utility).

  • Install an XML menu file to sysconfdir/menus/applications-merged/ to add any submenus, if your desktop entries aren't already included in some common categories.

  • Install any directory entries needed for your submenus to datadir/desktop-directories/, taking care to namespace and validate the directory entries.

C.2 Install Locations

If an application is intended to be installed by root on a system wide basis then /usr/share is recommended to be used as value for datadir and /etc/xdg is recommended to be used as value for sysconfdir. In case the /usr/share hierarchy is not writable it is recommended to use /usr/local/share as value for datadir instead.

If an application is intended to be installed by an unprivileged user for exclusive use by that user only then $XDG_DATA_HOME should be used as value for datadir and $XDG_CONFIG_HOME should be used as value for sysconfdir. If $XDG_DATA_HOME is not set, the default value of $HOME/.local/share should be used for it. If $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is not set, the default value of $HOME/.config should be used for it.

C.4 Backward Compatibility

For a limited time, installing a directory hierarchy to the old GNOME/KDE specific locations such as /usr/share/applnk and /usr/share/gnome/apps will continue to work as way to add your application to the menu system as well. There are two ways to support both the old and new menu systems at the same time:

  • If you add a Categories line to the desktop entries in the legacy hierarchy, implementations of this specification will ignore their location in the legacy hierarchy, and arrange them according to Categories instead. This allows you to install a single desktop file that works in all cases, though on the down side it's in a legacy location.

  • If you add the line OnlyShowIn=Old; to a desktop entry, then old legacy implementations that ignore OnlyShowIn will still show the desktop entry, but implementations of this specification will not. Thus you can add an "OnlyShowIn=Old;" entry to the legacy hierarchy, and a new-style desktop entry to datadir/applications/, and still get only one entry in the menus.

D Implementation notes


This glossary defines some of the terms used in this specification.

Desktop entry

A desktop entry is a file with a name ending in the ".desktop" extension which conforms to the desktop entry specification (http://www.freedesktop.org/Standards/desktop-entry-spec) with Type=Application. It describes a menu item, including a name, an icon, and what to do when the item is selected. Desktop entries are also known as ".desktop files."

Desktop-File Id

The ID to identify a desktop entry with. For desktop files installed in $XDG_DATA_DIRS/applications, this is the same as the desktop file ID defined in the Desktop Entry Specification. In addition, if /opt/ude is defined as <LegacyDir prefix="foo-"> then /opt/ude/Settings/bar.desktop has the desktop-file id foo-bar.desktop

Directory entry

A directory entry is a file with a name ending in the ".directory" extension which conforms to the desktop entry specification (http://www.freedesktop.org/Standards/desktop-entry-spec) with Type=Directory. It provides a localized name and an icon for a submenu. Directory entries are also known as ".directory files."

Menu path

A "menu path" is the path to a particular menu. Menu paths are always "relative" so never start with a slash character. The path to a menu is simply the <Name> of each parent of the menu, followed by the <Name> of the menu itself. For example, "Foo/Bar/Baz" is a valid menu path.

Relative path

The canonical path to a directory entry, relative to the <DirectoryDir> containing the entry. For example, if /usr/share/desktop-directories is specified as an <DirectoryDir>, the relative path to /usr/share/desktop-directories/foo/bar.directory is foo/bar.directory.